Creation through Communion

The mission of La Terre Bioregional Center is to facilitate the establishment of thriving humans on a thriving planet through an ecological communion with this* land, authentic self, and others.

* The reference to this land [right here/right now] is the reason for the use of the word "bioregional." A bioregion refers to land marked off/delineated according to the biology/geography of a place as a whole and not, conversely, for political or even human purposes. The biology and geography of this place right here makes it a coastal plains, which is described as predominately flat land with sandy soils that is dominated by longleaf and slash pines in upland areas and loblolly and hardwoods in lowland areas. Culturally, the area extends from perhaps New Orleans to Mobile and inland perhaps 50 to 100 miles. With nature, though, drawing lines is always specious, but this is the distinction we work with as home.


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More info on workshops is coming soon!